Section 8 Value function for categorical variable

Value function used for convenience (administration route)
Short name Description
Name/rubric Value function for convenience (administration route)
Created in Micorosoft Excel. Can also be created in most software
Message Preference values of a categorical variable (administration route), ordered semi-arbitrarily from high preference to low preference.
Intended audience The terminology used, in this case route of administration and the abbreviations, need to be understood to make sense of the graph.
Knowledge required The terminology used, in this case route of administration and the abbreviations, need to be understood to make sense of the graph.
Unintentional message Erroneously displays a categorical variable as if it were continuous and for the untrained eye seems to assume a natural ordering, which might in reality be considered post-hoc.
Message not communicated The role of the legend ¡°Group¡± is not communicated and is misleading since there is no grouping to be seen on the graph. Also, see below and above.
Proposed improvement Use bar chart or dot plot instead, making clear that the variables are categorical not continuous. At the very least, the connecting line needs to be removed.