Introduction to Baseball Card Visualisations (Top left corner)

The natalizumab Visual Methodology team reviewed and appraised the graphics that were produced in the Wave 1 Natalizumab case study. The rationale to formally appraise our own work is to learn and understand our initial judgment of presenting data from past experience. To facilitate the appraisal process, we articulated the underlying aspects of the graphics using the criteria given in the table below. We present our appraisal results as 18 baseball cards, one for each visual, in this section.

Short name Description
Name/rubric What is the visual/graphic type/name? These are already grouped by graphic type. But is there a special name for the visual?
Created in Which technology is needed to produce the visual? This is the software that was used to create the visual.
Message What does the visual communicate? This is the intended main message(s) from the visual. Can the benefit-risk quantity be determined?
Intended audience Who is the intended audience? The main user(s) the visual is aimed at.
Knowledge required What do I need to know to understand the visual? This is the background knowledge of the intended audience specifically, and typical knowledge of other audience in order to understand the main message(s) clearly.
Unintentional message Does the visual unintentionally convey/communicate a confusing message or a message that could be misunderstood? This is to address any misleading or confusing information on the visual that may be due to the visual display design, or lack of users knowledge. Appraisal should address:
does the visual reflect the original data?
is there any misleading assurance of the benefit-risk balance?
how does the visual reflect the amount of certainty/uncertainty of the benefit-risk balance?
Message not communicated What does the visual not convey/communicate? This should be addressed within context of the above.
is benefit-risk balance communicated clearly, only one dimension, or both dimensions but not integrated?
is there implicit message that could be made clearer in design or become clearer with improved knowledge?
is there any known weakness of the visual?
Proposed improvement Any proposed improvement that can be made to the visual to make it more useful?