Section 4 Simple descriptive table

Descriptions of key data sources
Short name Description
Name/rubric Simple descriptive table on included study articles
Created in Microsoft Word (table facility)
Message To lay out descriptive (or quantitative) information in a grid structure. The figure describes the study characteristics; showing larger, more recent, and longer trial was carried out for natalizumab compared to Beta-interferon and Glatiramer acetate. All active drugs used placebo as comparator.
Intended audience Statisticians, regulators, and physicians. Not for patients
Knowledge required Low statistical and low medical knowledge.
Unintentional message The table implicitly assumes that the quality of evidence for all studies is similar and for comparison to be made, and that the populations are also comparable. This may not always be the case.
Message not communicated Characteristics of patients who took part in the trials are not highlighted, implicitly assuming they are comparable
Proposed improvement Display demographics information for patients who took part in the trials and highlight similarities or dissimilarities.