Section 15 Bar chart aligning weight, values and benefit-risk scoreh3> Aligned bar chart of the derivation of the difference in weighted values
Short name Description
Name/rubric Bar Chart (of Weights, Values and Benefit Risk Scores)
Created in R (ggplot2 package).
Message The bar chart shows the effect of combining specific weights with difference in values for the quantitative key benefits and risks comparing natalizumab to placebo.
Intended audience Statistician, Regulators, Physicians, Patients
Knowledge required Needs in depth knowledge of MCDA and value functions or a lot of trust. But no specific technical knowledge is required to determine on which criteria natalizumab performs better or poorer than placebo from the difference display (right-most column)
Unintentional message Rare severe risks may be underestimated.
Message not communicated Statistical uncertainty is not communicated making the results seem too certain. Confidence intervals from clinical study data have not been considered; thus results may not reflect the clinical data in whole
Proposed improvement Add sensitivity analysis. Confusion by normalisation – relapse was scaled to 1, so needs better explanation. Colours to be harmonised to provide more meaningful message.