MCDA (Deterministic)

Step 1 : Determine the context of the problem

The context of this MCDA problem is to test the feasibility of applying MCDA to evaluate the benefit-risk balance of rimonabant versus placebo.

We present here the benefit-risk balance from the perspective of the prescribing physicians and the regulators. A brief introduction to the decision problem is available here. The full results of the MCDA are available in the Rimonabant Wave 1 Case Study.

Step 2:Determine the objectives of assessment

We used the European Public Assessment Report (EPAR) for rimonabant as the main source for benefit (favourable effects) and risk (unfavourable effects) criteria. The primary benefit of rimonabant was the effect on weight loss and maintenance of weight loss at 12 months. The main adverse event we were concerned about was psychiatric disorders. Other benefit and risk criteria that we took into account in the model are also shown in the value tree in Figure 1 below.

Figure 1 Value tree for MCDA of benefit-risk balance of rimonabant versus placebo (created in HiView 3)

Step 3: Determine the alternatives

The alternatives (options) in this model were rimonabant 20mg and placebo.

Step 4: Effects table

The range of preference score and type of criterion value function would greatly affect the utility score, which may have substantial impact on the final results. As an illustration, we decided that all preference scores for all criteria were based on a fixed scale and on a linear value function. This means that the range of the preference scale was anchored to the "fixed upper" and "fixed lower" values in Table 1(benefit criteria) and Table 2(risk criteria) below. We selected these values arbitrarily in line with the available data and the opinion of the study team's physician. The data were then scored using the specified value functions, to be transformed onto the utility scale.

Table 1 Effects table for favourable effects (benefit criteria)
Effects Description Fixed Lower Fixed Upper Units Rimonabant 20mg Placebo
Favourable Effect at 12 months Weight control Percentage patients reached 10% weight lost 0 100 % 25 6
Lipid control Total Cholesterol changes -2 2 mmol/L 0.05 0.12
HDL Cholesterol changes -2 2 mmol/L 0.22 0.11
LDL Cholesterol changes -2 2 mmol/L 0.08 0.15
Ratio HDL /Total Cholesterol changes -2 2 -0.65 -0.33
Triglyceride changes -2 2 mmol/L -0.26 0.01
Waist Circumference Waist circumference changes -10 10 cm -6.2 -1.87
Diabetes control Fasting glucose changes -2 2 mmol/dL -0.22 0.05
Fasting insulin changes -5 5


-1.04 1.08
Insulin resistance changes -5 5 Compared to placebo -0.8
HbA1c changes -5 5 % -0.6 0.1
Glucose intolerance changes -5 5 Compared to placebo -0.89
Blood pressure control Systolic blood pressure changes -10 10 mmHg -1.26 0.48
Diastolic blood pressure changes -10 10 mmHg -1.45 -0.28
Table 2 Effects table for unfavourable effects (risk criteria)
Effects Description Fixed Lower Fixed Upper Units Rimonabant 20mg Placebo
Unfavorable le effect at 12 months Infection and infestation Upper respiratory tract infection 0 15 % 11.4 12.4
Gastroenteritis viral 0 10 % 2.9 3.6
Psychiatric disorder Anxiety 0 10 % 2.4 5.6
Insomnia 0 10 % 3.2 5.4
Mood alteration with depressive symptoms 0 10 % 3.1 4.8
Depressive disorders 0 10 % 1.6 3.2
Irritability 0 10 % 0.6 1.9
Parasomnia 0 10 % 0.2 1.5
Nervousness 0 10 % 0.2 1.2
Sleep disorders 0 10 % 0.4 1
Nervous system disorders Dizziness 0 10 % 4.9 7.5
Memory loss 0 10 % 0.9 1.6
Hypoesthesia 0 10 % 0.6 1.6
Sciatica 0 10 % 0.6 1
Vascular disorders Hot flushes 0 10 % 0.7 1.9
Gastrointestinal disorders Nausea 0 15 % 4.9 11.9
Diarrhoea 0 10 % 4.8 6.3
Vomiting 0 10 % 2.2 4
Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue disorder Pruritus 0 10 % 0.5 1.2
Hyperhydrosis 0 10 % 0.5 1.2
Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorder Tendonitis 0 10 % 1 2.1
Muscle cramp 0 10 % 1 1.4
Muscle spasms 0 10 % 0.5 1
General disorder Influenza 0 10 % 8.6 8.9
Asthenia/Fatigue 0 10 % 5 6
Severe Adverse Events Death 0 10 % 0.25 0.16
Overall Psychiatric disorder 0 10 % 0.12 0.48
Severe Depressive disorder 0 10 % n/a 0.24
Cardiac disorder 0 10 % 0.25 0.48
Urinary disorder 0 10 % 0.12 0.36
Road traffic accident 0 10 % 0.00 0.24

Lower to Upper Limits define the range of a measurement scale that includes all the data for each criterion and is meaningful for assessing swing weights.

Step 5: Weighting

We examined the sensitivity of the model to weights from different stakeholders: physicians, regulators and statisticians (all within the case study team). Medical and regulator members of the case study provided medical/regulatory opinion, whereas, statisticians acted as layman. This was done in an online survey based on the values of "swing" from fixed lower to fixed upper values in Table 1 and Table 2above. The responders were asked to score importance of individual criteria between 0 (not important) and 10 (very important).Table 3 below shows the results of the medical/regulatory opinions from the survey. We summarised the results into average score by criterion, and then wecalculated the weights on each criterion proportional to these average scores, based on a total weight of 100. The weights were then combined with the scores in Step 4 to produce weighted scores.

The results from the layman (statisticians) survey and the comparisons between the two stakeholders are available in the Rimonabant Wave 1 Case Study report.

Table 3 Weighting survey results from physicians and regulators within the case study team
1 In case of weight losing medication, how would you rate the importance benefit and risk?
0 (Not important) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (Very important) Response Count
Benefit 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 66.7% (2) 0.0% (0) 33.3% (1) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 3
Risk 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 33.3% (1) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 33.3% (1) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 3
2. In the use of rimonabant, a drug designed for weight lost, how important are the following benefits?
0 (Not important) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (Very important) Response Count
Success in losing and maintained 10% loss of bodyweight 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 50.0% (1) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 50.0% (1) 2
Improvement in cholesterol control 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 100.0% (2) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 2
Reduce triglyceride levels 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 100.0% (2) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 2
Reducing waist circumference 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 50.0% (1) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 50.0% (1) 2
Improvement in diabetes control 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 50.0% (1) 0.0% (0) 50.0% (1) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 2
Lowering blood pressure 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 100.0% (2) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 2
Reducing incidence of metabolic syndrome 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 100.0% (2) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 2
3. With regards to cholesterol control, how important is the following markers of cholesterol?
0 (Not important) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (Very important) Response Count
Total Cholesterol (Sum of Cholesterol level) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 50.0% (1) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 50.0% (1) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 2
HDL cholesterol ("Good Cholesterol") 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 50.0% (1) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 50.0% (1) 2
LDL cholesterol ("Bad Cholesterol") 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 50.0% (1) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 50.0% (1) 2
HDL/LDL cholesterol ratio 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 50.0% (1) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 50.0% (1) 2
4. With regards to measurements of diabetes control, how would you rate the importance of the following markers?
0 (Not important) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (Very important) Response Count
Fasting Glucose (Use in diagnosis of diabetes) 50.0% (1) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 50.0% (1) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 2
Fasting Insulin (Measurement of Insulin production) 100.0% (2) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 2
Insulin resistance 100.0% (2) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 2
Changes in HbA1C (Overall Diabetes control over 120 days) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 100.0% (2) 2
5 With regards to blood pressure control. How would you rate the importance of the following?
0 (Not important) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (Very important) Response Count
Systolic blood pressure (Top measurement) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 50.0% (1) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 50.0% (1) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 2
Diastolic blood pressure (Bottom measurement) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 50.0% (1) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 50.0% (1) 2
6. With regards to weight losing medication, rimonabant, independent to its benefit. How would you rate the importance of avoiding potential negative effect in following body system?
0 (Not important) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (Very important) Response Count
Infection and Infestation 50.0% (1) 0.0% (0) 50.0% (1) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 2
Psychiatric disorder 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 50.0% (1) 50.0% (1) 0.0% (0) 2
Nervous system disorder, for example dizziness or neuralgia 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 50.0% (1) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 50.0% (1) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 2
Vascular disorder, e.g. hot flushes 50.0% (1) 0.0% (0) 50.0% (1) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 2
Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorder 50.0% (1) 50.0% (1) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 2
Musculoskeletal disorder 50.0% (1) 50.0% (1) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 2
Injury, poising or procedure related complication 100.0% (2) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 2
Severe adverse events (i.e. events that caused irreversible damage or require hospitalization) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 100.0% (2) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 2
7. How would you rate the importance of the following reported side effects associated with rimonabant?
0 (Not important) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (Very important) Response Count
Upper respiratory tract infection 50.0% (1) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 50.0% (1) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 2
Gastroenteritis viral 50.0% (1) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 50.0% (1) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 2
Anxiety 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 50.0% (1) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 50.0% (1) 0.0% (0) 2
Insomnia 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 50.0% (1) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 50.0% (1) 0.0% (0) 2
Mood alteration with depressive symptoms 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 50.0% (1) 0.0% (0) 50.0% (1) 2
Depressive disorders 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 50.0% (1) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 50.0% (1) 2
Irritability 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 50.0% (1) 50.0% (1) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 2
Parasomnia 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 50.0% (1) 0.0% (0) 50.0% (1) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 2
Nervousness 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 50.0% (1) 0.0% (0) 50.0% (1) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 2
Sleep disorders 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 50.0% (1) 0.0% (0) 50.0% (1) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 2
Dizziness 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 50.0% (1) 50.0% (1) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 2
Memory loss 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 50.0% (1) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 50.0% (1) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 2
Hypoesthesia 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 50.0% (1) 50.0% (1) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 2
Sciatica 0.0% (0) 50.0% (1) 0.0% (0) 50.0% (1) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 2
Hot flushes 0.0% (0) 50.0% (1) 0.0% (0) 50.0% (1) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 2
Nausea 0.0% (0) 50.0% (1) 0.0% (0) 50.0% (1) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 2
Diarrhoea 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 50.0% (1) 50.0% (1) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 2
Vomiting 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 50.0% (1) 50.0% (1) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 2
Pruritus 0.0% (0) 50.0% (1) 0.0% (0) 50.0% (1) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 2
Hyperhydrosis 0.0% (0) 50.0% (1) 0.0% (0) 50.0% (1) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 2
Tendonitis 0.0% (0) 50.0% (1) 0.0% (0) 50.0% (1) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 2
Muscle cramp 0.0% (0) 50.0% (1) 0.0% (0) 50.0% (1) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 2
Muscle spasms 0.0% (0) 50.0% (1) 0.0% (0) 50.0% (1) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 2
Influenza 50.0% (1) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 50.0% (1) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 2
Asthenia/Fatigue 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 50.0% (1) 0.0% (0) 50.0% (1) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 2
Joint sprain 50.0% (1) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 50.0% (1) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 2
Contusion 100.0% (2) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 2
Fall 0.0% (0) 50.0% (1) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 50.0% (1) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 2
Death 50.0% (1) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 50.0% (1) 2
Overall Psychiatric disorder 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 100.0% (2) 2
Cardiac disorder 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 50.0% (1) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 50.0% (1) 2
Urinary disorder 50.0% (1) 0.0% (0) 50.0% (1) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 2
Road traffic accident 50.0% (1) 50.0% (1) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 2

Step 6: Overall value

Figure 2 Overall results

Figure 3 Overall utility scores

Figure 4 A "difference display" of the weighted difference in utility scores between rimonabant and placebo sorted from the most important benefit criterion (top) to the most important risk criterion (bottom)

Step 7: Sensitivity testing

We performed "sensitivity up" analyses on each level of criteria to investigate the amount of changes required in the total weights in the criteria at that level for the benefit-risk balance to reverse to the alternative. Here we show the results of the sensitivity analyses at the highest level i.e. "benefits" and "risks".

In this case, placebo, which was the preferred option, is sensitive to weights assigned to these two criteria. Current weights for benefit and risk were 42.5 and 57.5 (as indicated by the vertical red lines in Figure 5). A small increase in the total weight assigned on benefits of approximately 1.5 to 44 (Panel A), would result in rimonabant becoming the more preferred alternative. Similarly, a small decrease in the total weight assigned on the risks of approximately 1.5 to 56 (Panel B), would also result in rimonabant becoming the more preferred alternative.

Sensitivity analyses on other criteria are available in the Rimonabant Wave 1 Case Study report.

